For the recognition of non-formal learning outcomes in the training of very low-skilled adults

Objective : to increase the  number of training opportunities

The objective of this project is to develop the recognition of non-formal learning outcomes (basic, technical and
transversal occupational skills) in the training of very low-skilled adults from socio-professional integration training (SPI training) in relation to existing systems in the different contexts of the partner countries of the project (Spain, Italy,
Portugal and Belgium french speaking community).

The overall objective of this project will be to strengthen existing mechanisms in order to increase the number of training opportunities positioned in national qualifications frameworks (in conjunction with the EQF) at levels 1 and 2 through the development of an assessment system recognised by the competent authorities allowing learners to receive direct recognition of their learning within the non-formal training organisations in which they have pursued their training.

General European ressources

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