Recognition of Transversal and Professional competences of the first qualification levels of the EQF

To support low-skilled people opportunities

About us

ENVOL is a European Erasmus+ project which aims to promote the recognition of competences of the public at the first two levels of qualification of the European Qualifications Framework by developing a common positioning model. This model will serve as a tool for both formal and non-formal vocational education and training providers to visualise the learning stages acquired by their learners and those still to be completed to reach higher levels of qualification.

The ENVOL partnership is composed of four organisations, representing four countries and four different realities: AID Coordination (Belgium), Scuola Centrale Formazione (Italy), Santa Casa Misericordia de Lisboa (Portugal) and CIFASA - Efas Castilla (Spain).

News from the Envol project

To get continued information over actuality of the project, to be followed on Facebook page: click here.

To get an overview on the project, as summary of the « Envol » context: click here.

The project was awarded the 'Good practice' label during its final evaluation by the European Agency.

The results of the project


Guide to approaches and methodologies for the validation of learning at EQF levels 1 and 2

This concerns the 4 partner countries



Common model for positioning non-formal learning at EQF levels 1 and 2

Based on the analyses of output 1


Guide to using the Common Model

To enable other training stakeholders to use the Common Positioning Model


Guide of recommendations

For stakeholders